Theyellowman's Blog
Just another weblog

Thoughts for 6/2/10

1. Finally, Kaval will be on WWE television.

2. Why do the contestants in Hell’s Kitchen think they are the bomb when all they do is bomb?

3. I think I like Howie Mandel on America’s Got Talent, but only time will tell. I miss the Hoff.

4. If you’re a suspect in one murder, and then become a suspect in another separate murder in another country; does that mean might be guilty?

5. No more unlimited internet from AT&T, I’m glad I didn’t get that iPhone.

6. Farewell Ken Griffiey Jr., you had a great career.

7. I’m glad Nick & Family are safe.

8. I wish I lived back in the in the 60’s just to listen to the Temptations live.

9. Patrick Stewart gets knighted by Queen Elizabeth II, very well deserved.

10. Why does it have to rain so much? If any rain gets inside my house again I’m going to scream.

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